To take the guesswork out of buying gifts this year, we at EC Alabama News asked our friends at The Grommet for their latest and greatest practical gift suggestions for 2021.
These guides are geared towards specific interests. You’ll be able to find something for even the toughest person on your Christmas shopping list.
Top 5 Gifts Under $75
1) Home Fermentation Crock
Mortier Pilon: Home Fermentation Crock - 2L
2) Oval Concave Cutting Board
Architec: Oval Concave Cutting Board - Large
3) Mason Bee Barrel
Hang a Mason bee barrel in a sunny garden spot to give solitary bees a home of their own. These industrious bees will help pollinate flowers, fruit, and vegetables. The nesting canes in the habitat are designed to attract young, non-swarming bees who will move in during the summer and emerge as adults in spring.
4) Small Embossing Rolling Pin
Valek: Small Embossing Rolling Pin - Snowflakes
5) Rope Inlet Cuff
Dune Jewelry: Rope Inlet Cuff - Rose Gold